Friday, August 14, 2015

(Miami) Vigilia Mambisa y Versailles todavía atraen la prensa

Fotos/Blog Gaspar, El Lugareño

John Kerry: "Cuba’s future is for Cubans to shape"

For more than half a century, U.S.-Cuban relations have been suspended in the amber of Cold War politics. In the interim, a whole generation of Americans and Cubans have grown up and grown old. The United States has had ten new presidents. In a united Germany, the Berlin Wall is a fading memory. Freed from Soviet shackles, Central Europe is again home to thriving democracies.

And last week, I was in Hanoi to mark the 20th anniversary of normalization of relations between the United States and Vietnam. Think about that. A long and terrible war that inflicted indelible scars on body and mind, followed by two decades of mutual healing, followed by another two decades of diplomatic and commercial engagement. In this period, Vietnam evolved from a country torn apart by violence into a dynamic society with one of the world’s fastest growing economies. And all that time, through reconciliation, through normalization, Cuban-American relations remained locked in the past.

Meanwhile, new technologies enabled people everywhere to benefit from shared projects across vast stretches of ocean and land. My friends, it doesn’t take a GPS to realize that the road of mutual isolation and estrangement that the United States and Cuba were traveling was not the right one and that the time has come for us to move in a more promising direction.

In the United States, that means recognizing that U.S. policy is not the anvil on which Cuba’s future will be forged. Decades of good intentions aside, the policies of the past have not led to a democratic transition in Cuba. It would be equally unrealistic to expect normalizing relations to have, in a short term, a transformational impact. After all, Cuba’s future is for Cubans to shape. Responsibility for the nature and quality of governance and accountability rests, as it should, not with any outside entity; but solely within the citizens of this country.

But the leaders in Havana – and the Cuban people – should also know that the United States will always remain a champion of democratic principles and reforms. Like many other governments in and outside this hemisphere, we will continue to urge the Cuban Government to fulfill its obligations under the UN and inter-American human rights covenants – obligations shared by the United States and every other country in the Americas.

And indeed, we remain convinced the people of Cuba would be best served by genuine democracy, where people are free to choose their leaders, express their ideas, practice their faith; where the commitment to economic and social justice is realized more fully; where institutions are answerable to those they serve; and where civil society is independent and allowed to flourish.

Let me be clear: The establishment of normal diplomatic relations is not something that one government does as a favor to another; it is something that two countries do together when the citizens of both will benefit. And in this case, the reopening of our embassies is important on two levels: People-to-people and government-to-government.(Read full text of John Kerry: Remarks at Flag raising ceremony)

Regresó la otra bandera al malecón de La Habana

(La Habana) Embassy of the United States of America

Fotos/Facebook Embajada de Estados Unidos en Cuba

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Consecration of Miami-Dade County

(Miami) Most Reverend Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami, and the Honorable Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Carlos A. Giménez, invite the community and media to a special Mass for the consecration of Miami-Dade County to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The Mass, which is organized by the Mission for the Love of God Worldwide, will take place on Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at St. Mary Cathedral, 7525 NW 2nd Ave. Miami, FL.

Meaning of Consecration:

“When we consecrate ourselves to God, a pact is established between the Father and His child. It is an act that will never be broken by God, but one that is our responsibility to uphold. It is a bond of love and protection. Consecration is the personal offering of ourselves and everything we have to Almighty God. It is a total surrender and entrustment of our lives“, stated the late John Rick Miller, founder of Mission for the Love of God Worldwide.

The consecration of Miami-Dade County is a historical event where Archbishop Thomas Wenski will place the county and its citizens into the loving hands of God.

For more information please contact missionfortheloveofgod@gmail.comor visit


The Archdiocese of Miami
Twitter: @CatholicMiami
Facebook: /CatholicMiami
Media contact: Juan A. Di Prado, Media Coordinator, (305)762-1046 or,or Mary Ross Agosta, Director of Communications, (305)762-1043 or

People in U.S., Latin America approve of renewing U.S. ties with Cuba

Read full report at Pew Research Center's website

Card. Ortega sirvió de mensajero entre Francisco, Raúl y Obama

Over the summer [2014], the pope wrote forceful, confidential letters to Obama and Raúl Castro, imploring the two leaders "to resolve humanitarian questions of common interest, including the situation of certain prisoners, in order to initiate a new phase in relations." To safeguard his communications, the pope sent both letters via papal courier to Havana—with instructions to Cardinal Ortega to personally deliver the message into the president's hands. Ortega then sent his top aide to Washington to advance his clandestine diplomatic mission. But arranging a secret face-to-face meeting with the president of the United States was easier said than done. Alerted to the problem, Cardinal McCarrick conferred with White House officials, who enlisted his help as a secret back-channel go-between. In early August, McCarrick traveled to Cuba carrying a note from Obama that asked Ortega to entrust McCarrick with delivering the pope's letter to the White House. But Ortega's papal instructions were to deliver the message himself. McCarrick left Cuba empty-handed.

Back in Washington, McCarrick worked with McDonough to arrange a secret meeting for Ortega with the president. On the morning of August 18, Ortega gave a talk at Georgetown University—providing a cover story for his presence in Washington—and then quietly went to the White House. (To make sure the meeting did not leak, US officials kept Ortega's name off the White House visitor logs.) Meeting with the president on the patio adjacent to the Rose Garden, Ortega finally completed his mission of delivering the pope's sensitive communication, in which he offered to "help in any way."

It was a convoluted process, but an unprecedented gesture. "We haven't received communications like this from the pope that I'm aware of other than this instance," a senior US official recalls. "And that gave, I think, greater impetus and momentum for us to move forward." (read full text Inside the Crazy Backchannel Negotiations That Revolutionized Our Relationship With Cuba)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Crónica de la Calle Ocho (un poema de Efraín Riverón)

Agradezco al poeta Efraín Riverón, que comparta su Crónica de la Calle Ocho con los lectores del blog.

Fotos/Blog Gaspar, El Lugareño

Salen mis ojos: La esquina
los recibe. Se detienen.
Se avivan en los que vienen
y en el que no se avecina.
Comparten la cartulina
de un anuncio mal situado.
Pasa un poco demacrado
-casi mínimo en la acera,-
quien ayer contento era
y hoy es un desamparado.

Está la joven de enfrente
como suelta en un desgano.
Por su cabello temprano
rueda el aire sonriente.
En la hojarasca creciente
se reunen los insectos
con sus asiduos proyectos...
Después de la cerca: Un nombre
de mujer....Repite un hombre
de numerosos defectos.

De súbito algun ladrido
sube a la atmósfera. Suena
como un timbre la colmena
entre las flores y el ruido
de los autos... Se han caido
palabras de los letreros,
que grises y chapuceros
cuelgan de la vieja cal;
y hay una emoción viral
de autobuses y extranjeros.

En el parque endomingado:
Las mesas del dominó
están llenas..,(Menos yo
hasta un neófito ha jugado.)
Todos observan; callado
está el gentío...(!Qué historia!)
!El más viejo, el de más gloria,
el que nunca se encapricha,
exprime ficha tras ficha
el zumo de la victoria!

A un lado, junto a la media
luna del árbol contiguo,
se nota como un ambiguo
color-ácido que asedia
al corazón...(¿Qué remedia
de tanto sol un alero?)
Más que por pan, por dinero
retorna tibio, algo noble:
Con una súplica doble
en su mano, el pordiosero;

Pasa suave, como quién
anda de espuma o de nube...
Por la otra calle que sube
caminan el mal y el bien.
Otro pulsa sin amén
su fatídica opulencia,
y alguien, que late en esencia,
sin sentido estacionario,
en columpio imaginario
pone a mecer la inocencia.

El calor como un acero
derretido nos atrapa;
su resplandor es un mapa
que tiembla en lo pasajero
del tiempo...Sobre el cantero
se estrujan las hojas viejas,
y paradójicas quejas
abundan en los suburbios,
como si jardines turbios
ahuyentaran las abejas.

Ese que conversa a solas
y ve descreido el verde,
huele a mar que se nos pierde
donde se encuentran sus olas,
Apagadas amapolas
van en el rostro del ciego,
y como en un “hasta luego”
al blancor de la sonrisa,
el drogadicto sin prisa
le suma ceniza al fuego.

Está aquel, que siendo él
es otro. Lo espiritual
lo induce a hacer de la sal
una existencia de miel.
Tan blanco que por su piel
acontece la pureza;
volátil en su grandeza
de íntimo desprendimiento,
nada oculta, pone al viento
su vital naturaleza.

Al fondo sin que el temor
lo desprenda de su ego,
está con el mismo juego
de cartas el jugador.
Su estirpe de estafador
en la ropa se le mira,
y las barajas que tira,
untadas de habilidad
ennegrecen la verdad
para ocultar la mentira.

Rabia el “jabao” bronquero,
-grito a flor de necedad-.
La misma brutalidad
agregándole otro cero.
Llega limpio el barrendero:
Brillo. Almidón de primera
planchado en su guayabera
de mangas cortas. (La suma
del tiempo borra la bruma:
Resucita primavera.)

Pasa en su peso un anciano
y atraviesa el mediodía,
como si el último día
se le ahuecara en la mano.
Atardece más temprano
sobre la mía-ciudad,
y con una infinidad
de luz donde la contemplo,
la calle Ocho es un templo
de eterna cubanidad.

(Cuba-Ballet) Twin sisters, Margarita and Ramona de Saa, reunite after 20 years

Margarita and Ramona de Saa rehearsing with dance partners, National Ballet of Cuba, 1958

NARBERTH, Pa. (WPVI) -- Margarita and Ramona de Saa are identical twins who, from the beginning, were simply inseparable.

 "We were so close. We did everything together," Margarita said. 

That included dance lessons starting at an early age and by the time they turned 20, both achieved the rank of prima ballerina with the Cuban National Ballet.

 It was right about that time though when love and politics would converge.

 It wasn't long after Margarita had fallen in love and married American ballet dancer John White when Fidel Castro rose to power. 

It was 1964 and White knew he had to leave Cuba, but he wasn't leaving without his wife.

 Margarita made the choice to flee with her husband, but Ramona stayed behind.

 "When we left it was very hard on me. Very, very hard," Margarita said. 

John and Margarita went on to open the renowned Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet in Narberth, while Ramona ended up becoming the Master Instructor of the National Ballet School of Cuba. 

But their successes rang hallow because the only thing more important to them than ballet was each other. 

And communicating over the ensuing decades was extremely difficult because of the longstanding US sanctions against the communist island. 

Then, just one month ago, relations with Cuba were normalized. 

Fast forward to Monday evening, when, for the first time, students at the Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet were taught by the Master Instructor of the Cuban Ballet, also known as Margarita's sister Ramona. 

Ramona says, "For me, this is like a dream. I had only seen my sister a handful of times over the past 50 years, and now I'm here. It's amazing." (read full text)

(Miami) Bird Road Art Walk

Fastly approaching its fifth anniversary, the Bird Road Art Walk continues to bring artists and collectors together. On the 3rd Saturday of each month, artists’ open their studios, along with alternative spaces and galleries that dot the industrial area along SW 74 Ave & SW 75 Ave.

The event features a broad range of contemporary, emerging and established artists working in a variety of mediums ranging from photography to sculpture, mix media, conceptual art, ceramics, drawing, painting etc… art and unique items for all tastes and budgets.

The Bird Road Art Walk is free & open to the public.

The event is organized and funded by the Bird Road Art District, Inc., a non-profit volunteer based organization.

(Miami) La Fundación APOGEO presenta el número junio/julio 2015 de la revista CARITATE

El Centro Cultural CubaOcho, la Fundación APOGEO para el arte público y la Fundación de las Américas tienen el gusto de invitarles a la segunda Tertulia de APOGEO del mes de agosto, con la presentación del número junio/julio 2015 de la revista CARITATE, que contará con la presencia del actor Alberto Pujol (en portada), la actriz Nazarena Nóbile, la infoactivista Ana Olema, así como de los columnistas Rebeca Esther Ulloa, Yara Urquiza y Lissette Bustamente, entre otros, quienes conversarán con el público presente.

Fecha: Viernes 14 de agosto del 2015
Hora: 6:00 p.m.
Lugar: Centro Cultural CubaOcho
1465 SW 8th ST, Suite 106, Miami, FL. 33135

Parqueo gratis detrás del edificio y en el segundo piso

(Miami) Alberto Lauro en La Otra Esquina de las Palabras

La Otra Esquina de las Palabras invita a un encuentro con el escritor cubano Alberto Lauro.

Café Demetrio
300 Alhambra Circle, Coral Gable

Viernes, 14 de agosto/7:30 p.m.

Monday, August 10, 2015

El camagüeyano Yosvani Ramos, Bailarín Principal en Colorado Ballet

DENVER – Colorado Ballet promoted one of its Corps de Ballet dancers to Soloist dancer, added a new Principal and four new Corps de Ballet members for a total of 30 professional Company dancers.

At the end of the 2014-2015 season, Artistic Director Gil Boggs promoted Francisco Estevez from Corps de Ballet to Soloist. Born in Quito, Ecuador, Estevez moved to the U.S. in 1995. He began his ballet training in Louisville, Kentucky and finished his professional training at the School of American Ballet in New York where he also performed featured roles with the New York City Ballet. He graduated in 2008 and danced with Boston Ballet and Barcelona Ballet before joining Colorado Ballet during the 2012-2013 season.

With the retirement of two Principals at the end of the 2014-2015 season, Boggs brought on Yosvani Ramos as a new Principal this season.

Ramos was born in Camagüey, Cuba and trained at the National Ballet School, dancing with Jeune Ballet de France and Ballet de l'Opéra National de Paris after winning the Gold Medal at the Paris International Ballet Competition in 1998. He joined English National Ballet as a Soloist in 1999 and was promoted to Senior Soloist in 2000, then Principal Dancer in 2003. He danced with ENB until 2008 when he joined The Australian Ballet as a Principal Artist, where he remained until April 2013. He danced at the XVIII International Ballet Festival in Miami in September 2013, spent several months guesting with companies in Europe and the USA and joined the Cincinnati Ballet as principal dancer in July 2014. He joins Colorado Ballet for the 2015-2016 season as a Principal Dancer. (read full text)

Sesión informativa sobre los viajes a Cuba

Sesión informativa para viajar a Cuba

Si eres Ciudadano o residente de Estados Unidos y quieres Viajar a Cuba, no te pierdas la sesión informativa a través de Twitter HOY [10 de agosto de 2015] a las 2:30 PM Hora de Washington, DC.

Los usuarios podrán enviar sus preguntas antes y durante la sesión utilizando la etiqueta ‪#‎USCuba‬ para recibir información relacionada a quiénes pueden viajar a Cuba y con qué propósitos, requisitos de viaje, restricciones y otras dudas. Para participar en la conversación hay que seguir la cuenta @USAenEspanol en Twitter.

Este evento forma parte del esfuerzo del Departamento de Estado para orientar a los ciudadanos y residentes estadounidenses sobre las renovadas relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Cuba. El 17 de diciembre de 2014, el presidente Obama anunció que el país tomaría un nuevo rumbo en su política hacia Cuba. Desde ese momento varios sucesos han hecho historia. El más reciente fue el anuncio de la reapertura de embajadas en los respectivos países.

El 14 de agosto, el secretario de Estado John Kerry viajará a La Habana para izar la bandera de Estados Unidos en los predios de la embajada de Estados Unidos en Cuba. Será un momento histórico, pues hace más de medio siglo que un secretario de Estado no visita la Isla. (Facebook de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Cuba)

Lizt Alfonso: "Valió la pena" (Video)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

(Miami) Félix Luis Viera en la tertulia de la Fundación Apogeo

Fotos/Blog Gaspar, El Lugareño

Félix Luis Viera fue el invitado del mes de agosto a la tertulia de la Fundación Apogeo. El evento se celebró el sábado día 8 a las 6 00 p.m. en el Centro Cultural CubaOcho.
Viera fue entrevistado por Marlene Moleón, Rebeca Esther Ulloa y Baltasar Santiago Martín, además respondió preguntas de los amigos asistentes. 


El camagüeyano Gonzalo Galguera es el nuevo director artístico de la compañía Incolballet de Colombia

(Incolballet) El bailarín y coreógrafo Gonzalo Galguera es nacido en Camagüey, Cuba, titulado en la Escuela Nacional de Ballet, en La Habana. Con una extensa y exitosa carrera como bailarín y coreógrafo a nivel internacional .

Desde el año 2006 es Director del Ballett Magdeburg en Alemania, compañía que se ha presentado en la mayoría de los festivales internacionales de Ballet de Cali y que a su vez mantiene un convenio de cooperación y hermandad con Incolballet desde el año 2009.

El maestro Galguera llega a Incolballet en calidad de Director Artístico Asociado, con el propósito de marcar un nuevo rumbo que proyecte internacionalmente a la Compañía, apostando por la renovación de su repertorio y estilo, Gonzalo Galguera trabajará junto a la compañía en la búsqueda y alcance de una nueva identidad artistica dentro del actual contexto dancistico tanto en Colombia como a nivel internacional.

“Como creador enfocará su misión a explorar y potenciar nuevos retos artisticos para la Compañía, teniendo en cuenta el enorme potencial de la agrupación y respetando su trayectoria, entre sus metas está la creación de un repertorio con obras de su autoría y aquellas que se adapten al nuevo perfil de la compañía, el marcado luenguaje clásico de Gonzalo Galguera y su ecléctica búsqueda coreografíca propiciarán una nueva identidad a la compañía más importante de Ballett clásico de nuestro país“.

El Ballet de Camagüey, el Ballet Municipal de Lima, el joven Ballet de María de Ávila en España y el Ballet de la Opera de Berlín son las Compañias donde ha desarrollado su extensa carrera como bailarín y coreógrafo durante más de 26 años de vida profesional. (sigue)

Friday, August 7, 2015

(Miami) Editorial Silueta presenta "Queen Street West" de Sergio de los Reyes

"Cuando las mujeres tejen,/ una lógica se establece entre el caos/ y la creación espontánea", escribe Sergio de los Reyes, en este libro en el que la poética anda a la caza de logos -Heráclito vigila camuflado tras un graffiti urbano o deslizándose sobre los alados "patines de Mercurio"-. Como el oscuro de Efeso, el poeta persigue un orden natural, algo que le revele su primigenia analogía; por eso, desde las calles del Toronto hipster baja al linde rural del río a beber, observa "El lago que vomita un ciervo/ y lo devuelve a su ceguera", enfoca el lente en pequeños panoramas ("poderes diminutos que transportan/ aun más diminutos poderes"); encuentra, en cambio, metáfora, espanto y oxímoron. Queen Street West traza puentes, conjura precarios equilibrios, madruga, anticipa. Hay una melodía premonitoria alterada por acordes de la memoria, tan sedienta que bebe y retrata paisajes intangibles, truca estampas citaditas que parecen capturas de pantalla, y aún dentro de universos reales o imaginados, inventa. En ese espacio de las epopeyas cotidianas ancla este libro, con el que Sergio de los Reyes forja con sosiego su fusta y su flauta para domesticar el caos.

Joaquín Badajoz

Inauguran en Camagüey Banco de Leche Humana

La Obstinadera - Dúo Teatropello (Parodia de La Gozadera-Video)

Picadillo EPK by Generación Asere (Video)


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Gaspar, El Lugareño Headline Animator

Click here to visit - The place to shop for Cuban memorabilia! Cuba: Art, Books, Collectibles, Comedy, Currency, Memorabilia, Municipalities, Music, Postcards, Publications, School Items, Stamps, Videos and More!