Monday, September 5, 2011

(Miami) A Labor Day statement from Archbishop Thomas Wenski

On Labor Day, we honor the working man (and woman) and the dignity of human work. Work in God's plan is not a punishment for sin but the means for men and women to participate in God's own work of creation. Through work, we necessarily seek to meet our material needs and provide for our families; but through work, we also seek to contribute to our communities. Thus, our work as a participation in God's continuing creation promotes the common good and reflects our human dignity.


Today, for too many people, decent work is not available. Low-wage earners do not have the decent work that would afford them the means of meeting their families' basic needs. A single parent with two children, earning the minimum wage of $7.31 an hour and working fulltime, will earn in a year $3,325 less than the federal poverty line. And today too many workers can find no more than part-time work, so working two jobs "to make ends meet" they pay a significant cost to their family's and their own well-being. (read full text) (ver texto en español)

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