Monday, July 14, 2008

The Politics of Fear according to The New Yorker

The New Yorker editor David Remnick responds calling the cover "satire" targeting not Obama, but the "absurdity" of the rumors flying about him.

This cover has quickly become very controversial. The Obama campaign has called it "tasteless and offensive." Why did you run it?

Obviously I wouldn't have run a cover just to get attention — I ran the cover because I thought it had something to say. What I think it does is hold up a mirror to the prejudice and dark imaginings about Barack Obama's — both Obamas' — past, and their politics. I can't speak for anyone else's interpretations, all I can say is that it combines a number of images that have been propagated, not by everyone on the right but by some, about Obama's supposed "lack of patriotism" or his being "soft on terrorism" or the idiotic notion that somehow Michelle Obama is the second coming of the Weathermen or most violent Black Panthers. That somehow all this is going to come to the Oval Office.

The idea that we would publish a cover saying these things literally, I think, is just not in the vocabulary of what we do and who we are... We've run many many satirical political covers. Ask the Bush administration how many. (read more)

Source: The Huffington Post

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