Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tomas de Posesión

Fulgencio Batista, third from right, takes the oath as president of Cuba in Havana, Oct. 10, 1940, in front of the envoys of 34 foreign countries including the U.S., climaxing a seven-year rise from the army rank of staff sergeant. The oath is administered by Chief Magistrate Federico Edelman, extreme left. (AP Photo)
Gen. Fulgencio Batista, smiling with upraised hands, is surrounded by Cuban soldiers at Camp Colombia, the Cuban army base, during the revolution, March 11, 1952. Batista is the new leader of Cuba. (AP Photo/Harold Valentine)
Gen. Felgencio Batista was sworn in as Cuba's President at the Palace in Havana, on Feb. 24, 1955. The Island's 54-year-old strongman, is shown shortly after the brief ceremony in the presence of the supreme court and diplomats from 50 nations, with his wife, Marta, right, and the Vice President Guas Inclan, left. (AP Photo)

Nota: Los pie de fotos son los originales de AP


  1. Cuando vendrá un hombre débil al mando de la isla, que le de por respetar a los demás... (?)

  2. generacion, tu estas proponiendo a Maryloli para presidente?
