Tuesday, January 13, 2009

(50 años) Who Wins and Who Loses

... a Cuba se aproximan (unos y otros) como si de una permanente batalla se tratara, pues esta (inconclusa batalla) tiene (ya) ganadores y derrotados. The Washington Post publica la opinión de Ann Louise Bardach, sería interesante conocer que piensan otros cubanologos sobre este tema:

"On New Year's Day, Fidel Castro and his brother Raul celebrated their golden anniversary -- marking a half-century since they brought revolution to Cuba. On Jan. 20, Barack Obama will become the 44th president of the United States. But to the Castros, who have struck out the previous 10 occupants of the Oval Office, he will simply be the 11th batter to step up to the plate.

In 2009, the 50-year, high-stakes showdown between Washington and Havana is likely to culminate not in a final glorious duel but in resignation born of fatigue. And there will be indisputable winners and losers -- mostly losers -- as the Obama administration wades into the troubled waters of the U.S.-Cuba relationship. Here's a look at who ends up where". (read more)

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